Articles Posted by the Author:

  • Principles to Address Water-related Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) under the COVID-19 Pandemic


    The Principles to Address Water-related Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) under the COVID-19 Pandemic was approved at the online HELP 15th Meeting on May 29, 2020.

    In the current COVID-19 environment, immediate attention has been placed on mitigating COVID-19 infections and treating those who become ill. However, the threats of water-related disasters remain as imminent now as before COVID-19. Competition and complications among DRR emergency responses and COVID-19 health care responses could magnify negative impacts in some countries and cities.

    With this global crisis in mind, HELP created Principles to Address Water-related Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) under the COVID-19 Pandemic to help leaders, DRR and COVID-19 managers, and all stakeholders cope with these challenges by the co-occuring disasters. The Principles were finalized through consultation with leading UN agencies, international organizations, governments, NGOs, private sector, unions, and youth, gender and major stakeholder groups. HELP calls for immediate use of the Principles in countries, cities, and hospitals and fields to better manage the critical challenges that may even happen tomorrow.

    Although it covers all key items of disasters and COVID-19 thoroughly, the document remains will be updated periodically since COVID-19 is still unknown in many aspects and emerging challenge items associated with the pandemic should be readily addressed.

    Contact: HELP Secretariat

  • International Symposium on Water and Culture


    Chair’s Statement

    Summary of Proceedings

    Program of the Symposium

    HELP organized the International Symposium on Water and Culture with the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), United Nations Centre for Regional Cooperation (UNCRD), and the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) Netherlands on February 3rd, 2020 at GRIPS in Tokyo in the presence of The Emperor and Empress of Japan.

    The Symposium aimed to help our deeper understanding of relations between the people and water by visiting water heritage around the world. The keynote addresses were delivered by Mr. Nicolas Franke, Sustainable Development Officer of UNDESA (as a representative of Mr. Liu Zhenmin, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, the United Nations) under the title of “Connectivity between Water and Culture – A foundation for Sustainable Development” and H.E. Dr. Phoeurng Sackona, Minister of Culture and Fine Arts, Cambodia on “The Culture and Management of Water in Angkor Park.”

    Leading experts and researchers on water and cultures invited from various parts of the world introduced cases, share their experiences and knowledge, and discussed findings and lessons from the heritage. The role water can and should play for regional development in the world was also discussed. The outcome of the Symposium will contribute to creating new horizon of water discussion leading to advancement of water dialogue processes, including the Asia Pacific Water Summit in 2020, the 9th World Water Forum, UN High-Level Meeting on Water in 2021, and the UN Water Decade’s Mid-Term Review in 2023, and fully achieving SDGs.

    During the opening session of the Symposium, the ceremony for establishment of Tokyo Satellite Office of the UNCRD was organized and the signboard for the office was handed over from Mr. Endo, Director of UNCRD to Prof. Tanaka, the President of GRIPS, which hosts the Tokyo Office.

  • Fourteenth Meeting of HELP


    The Fourteenth Meeting of The High-level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP) was held on Friday, November 8th, 2019 in the Conference Room of the Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Korea to the OECD (Délégation Permanente de la Corée Auprès de l’OCDE).

    The meeting was attended by about 30 participants from HELP member organizations representing national governments, international organizations, academia, civil society and private sectors.

    Draft Summary and Minutes

    I. Opening Plenary (9:00 am-11:00 am)

    1. Opening

    • Opening Remarks by Dr. Han Seung-soo, Chair of HELP
    • the Republic of Korea to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

    2. Special Speech

    H.E. Dr. Danilo Türk, former President of the Republic of Slovenia, Chair of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace and Lead Political Advisor of the Geneva Water Hub

    3. Approval of Agenda

    4. Discussion on HELP matters

    • Membership issue
    • Report on collaboration between the UN and HELP

    5. Keynote remarks and presentations

    • Remarks by Hon. Norbert Emmanuel Tony Ondo Mba, Minister of Water, Energy and Mines, Republic of Gabon and President, African Ministerial Council on Water
    • Remarks by H.E. Mr. Kunihiro Yamada, Vice Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan
    • Remarks by Mr. Loic Fauchon, President of World Water Council
    • Presentation by Ms. Ms. Kirsi Madi, Director, UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
    • Presentation by Mr. Woochong Um, Director General concurrenlty Chief Compliance Officer, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, Asian Development Bank

    Coffee break (11:00 a.m.-11:20 a.m.)

    II. Plenary Discussion (11:20 a.m.-1:00 p.m.)

    • Discussion on collaboration with Water for Peace
    • Discussion on the disasters caused by Typhoon Hagibis in October 2019 in Japan
    • Focused discussion on following-up discussion in the UN on Hurricane Idai in March 2019 – How HELP can contribute to “Build Back Better” of affected countries (Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and Malawi)-
    • Discussion on HELP Flagship Actions
    • Preparation for the next conference and opportunities to raise awareness and promote discussion on water and disasters including Regional Platforms for DRR in 2020, the Second High-Level International Conference on the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development 2018-2028”, the 4th Asia Pacific Water Summit in October 2020 and the 9th World Water Forum in 2021


    Lunch break (1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.)

    III. Breakout Discussion (2:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.)

    • Breakout and Plenary Discussion on HELP Flagship Initiatives
    • Session 1 (2:00-3:15): Financing and Investment chaired by Japan
    • Session 2 (2:00-3:15): Science and Technology chaired by AoA
    • Session 3 (3:15-4:30): HELP Global Report and Flagship Documents chaired by GWP and Secretariat
    • Session 4 (3:15-4:30): Climate Change chaired by the Netherlands

    IV. Plenary Discussion (4:30 am – 5:30 pm)

    • Report by Breakout Session Chairs and discussion
    • Other business including HELP15 and wrap up by Chair

  • Thirteenth Meeting of HELP


    Tuesday, June 25, 2019

    Ford Foundation Center for Social Justice, New York, the U.S.A


    The Thirteenth Meeting of the High-level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP) was held on 25th June 2019 at Ford Foundation Center for Social Justice, New York, USA. The meeting was co-hosted by U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, the Earth Institute at Columbia University and Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data, and was attended by about 30 participants from HELP member organizations representing national governments, international organizations, academia, civil society and private sectors.



    Draft Summary and Minutes



    I. Opening Plenary (9:00 am-11:00 am)


    1. Opening
      • Opening Remarks by Dr. Han Seung-soo, Chair of HELP
      • Welcome Remarks by Sir Alex Halliday, Director of the Earth Institute, Columbia University
      • Remarks by Dr. Joe D Manous, Director, Institute for Water Resources, US Army Corps of Engineers


    1. Special Speech
      • H.E. Dr. Danilo Türk, former President of Republic of Slovenia/ Chair of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace


    1. Approval of Agenda


    1. Discussion on HELP matters
      • Membership issue
      • Strengthening collaboration between the UN and HELP


    1. Keynote remarks and presentations
      • Remarks by H.E. Mr. Basuki Hadimuljono, Minister for Public Works and Housing, Indonesia
      • Remarks by H.E. Ms. Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management, the Netherlands
      • Remarks by Hon. Norbert Emmanuel Tony Ondo Mba, Minister of Water, Energy and Mines, Republic of Gabon and President, African Ministerial Council on Water
      • Remarks by: Mr. Bambang Susantono, Vice President of ADB
      • Remarks by Mr. Loic Fauchon, President of World Water Council
      • Remarks by Dr. Toshio Okazumi, Assistant Vice Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
      • Remarks by Dr. Monika Weber-Fahr, Executive Secretary of Global Water Partnership
      • Remarks by Ms. Kirsi Madi, Director of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)


    II. Plenary Discussion (11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.)


    • Focused discussion on Cyclone Idai in March 2019 – How HELP can contribute to “Build Back Better” of affected countries (Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Malawi, and others)-
    • Discussion on collaboration with Water for Peace
    • Discussion on HELP Flagship Actions
    • Discussion on the Advisors Meeting


    Group photo and lunch hosted by Columbia University (1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.)


    III. Breakout Discussion (2:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.)


    • Breakout and Plenary Discussion on HELP Flagship Initiatives (2:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.)

    Part 1 of Breakout Session:

      • Financing and Investment
      • Creating a Climate Resilient Society through Timely Information and Analytics

    Part 2 of Breakout Session

      • HELP Flagship Documents
      • Climate Change


    IV. Plenary Discussion (4:30 am – 5:30 pm)


    • Report by Breakout Session Chairs and discussion
    • Other business including HELP14 and wrap up by Chair



  • The Fourth UN Special Thematic Session on Water and Disasters


    Monday, June 24, 2019

    ECOSOC Chamber, The UN Headquarters, New York



    UN Member States (Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea Mexico, the Netherlands, Tajikistan) and High-level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP)


    1. Background and Objective


    Water is life. Water is also threat to life. Water related disasters account for 90% of all disasters in terms of number of people affected. Climate change is expected to impact countries, particularly small island countries and other developing countries that are highly vulnerable, and cause devastating impacts through extreme weather events. Recent global agreements including the Sendai Framework, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and COP21 Paris Agreement, all call for addressing water-related extreme events and climate change adaptation in more concerted and integrated way for progressing towards and realizing sustainable development.

    The political commitments made must be matched by finance and appropriate policies. Investing in water and disasters can save lives, avoid the destruction of vital infrastructure, and make a significant difference in achieving the national and international goals of ending poverty and ensuring sustainable and equitable growth for all.

    Achieving the globally agreed goals also requires sharing and transfer of knowledge, technology and experiences among countries and relevant entities. Science community plays a pivotal role in bridging knowledge gaps among divergent actors involved in disaster risk reduction and in providing information and tools to facilitate timely decisions.

    In July 2017, the Third United Nations Special Thematic Session on Water and Disasters was held. About 500 representatives of the member states and diverse stakeholders including Heads of States, Ministers and Heads of International/Stakeholder Organizations shared the recognitions and understanding that addressing the issue of “water and disasters” is critical element and the core of achieving sustainable development.

    The Fourth UN Special Thematic Session is proposed to continue the global dialogue and maintain high level of awareness on the issues of water and disasters among UN member states so as to promote further actions required to address the issue. The primary objective of the event is to overarch the issue of Water-related Extreme Event, which are to be placed at the core of Adaptation to Climate Change and are crucial for achievement of sustainable development. The event will provide a concrete step forward towards implementation of globally agreed agendas, and will become a milestone for future actions such as, the implementation of the Water Action Decade 2018-2028 including the United Nations Conference on the Midterm Comprehensive Review in 2023 and a high-level meeting in 2021, and the UNFCCC COP processes.


    2.Expected outcome



    (1)Opening Plenary (10:00-11:30)

    Opening Remarks
    • Dr. Han Seung-Soo, Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea and Chair of the High-level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP)
    • H.E. Ms. María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés, President of the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly
    • Ms. Maria Francesca Spatolisano, Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Co-ordination and Inter-Agency Affairs at the United Nations
    Keynote Speeches by Heads of States and Dignitaries
    • H.E. Mr. Carlos Agostinho do Rosário, Prime Minister of Republic of Mozambique
    • H.E. Mr. János Áder, President, the Republic of Hungary (Video Message)
    • H.E. Dr. Danilo Türk, former President of Republic of Slovenia/ Chair of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace


    Launch of Documents


    (2)High Level Panel Discussion (11:30-13:00)


    Chair: H.E. Ms. Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management, the Netherlands


    • H.E. Mr. Basuki Hadimuljono, Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, Indonesia
    • Hon. Norbert Emmanuel Tony Ondo Mba, President of the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW)/Minister of Water, Energy and Mines, Gabon
    • H.E. Mr. Shozo Kudo, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan
    • LTG Mr. Todd Semonite, Chief of United States Corps of Engineers, U.S.A.
    • Ms. Olga Algayerova, Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)


    (3)Special Session “Build Back Better from Idai and Kenneth – Lessons Learnt and Actions to Reduce Climate Change Impact in the Future-” (13:30-14:45)


    Chair: Ms. Kirsi Madi, Director of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)


    • Representatives from three affected countries;
      • E. Mr. Carlos Agostinho do Rosário, Prime Minister of Republic of Mozambique
      • Honourable July.G Moyo, Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing, Republic of Zimbabwe
      • E. Dr. Perks M. Ligoya, Permanent Representative of Republic Malawi
    • Experts and resource persons from the Member States and United Nations organizations/agencies
      • Wafaa Saeed, Deputy Director, Africa 1, Operations and Advocacy Division, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
      • Megumi Muto, Director General, Global Environment Department, JICA


    (4)  Science and Technology Session to Address Water and Disasters (15:00-16:20)


    Facilitator: Mr. Johannes Cullmann, Director, Climate & Water Department, World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

    • Prof. Akihiko Tanaka, President of National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Japan
    • Dr. Alex Halliday, Director of the Earth Institute, Columbia University, U.S.A.
    • Prof. Gordon McBean, past President, International Council for Science; Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction, Canada
    • Prof. Choi Gyewoon, President, Society of Korean Smart Water Grid/Former CEO of K-Water
    • Prof. Gretchen Kalonji, Dean Institute for Disaster Management and Reconstruction, Sichuan University
    • Prof. Toshio Koike, Director, International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM)


    (5) Special Session on Financing and Investment in Water and Disasters (16:20-17:40)


    Facilitator: Mr. Greg Browder, Global Lead: Water Security & Water Resources Management, World Bank

    • Mr. Bambang Susantono, Vice President of Asian Development Bank
    • Mr. Loic Fauchon, President of World Water Council
    • Ms. Claire Melamed, Chief Executive Officer, Global Partnership for Sustainable Data
    • Dr. Monika Weber-Fahr, Executive Secretary of Global Water Partnership
    • Mr. David Boys, Deputy General Secretary, Public Service International
    • Ms. Babita Bisht, Deputy Director, External Affairs Division, Green Climate Fund
    • Prof. Naoyuki Yoshino, Director, Asian Development Bank Institute (video presentation)


    (6) Closing Plenary (17:40-18:00)


    • Wrap-up and Closing by Dr. Han Seung-soo




    Draft Chair’s Summary


    Final Agenda


    UN Web TV (Part 1)UN Web TV (Part 2) /  UN Web TV (Part 3)