Meeting History
Sep 09 2015

Fifth Meeting of HELP

10 April 2015
Seoul, Republic of Korea

The Fifth Meeting of the High-level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP) was held on 10 April 2015 at Shinsegae Chosun Hotel in Seoul. The meeting was attended by about 50 participants from HELP member organizations representing national governments, international organizations, civil society and private sector.

9:00 Opening

  • Opening Remarks by Dr. Han, Seung-soo, Chair of HELP, Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction and Water
  • Welcoming Remarks by H.E. Yoo, Il-ho, Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the Republic of Korea (MOLIT)
  • Address by H.E. Ms. Melanie Schultz van Haegen, Vice-Chair of HELP, Minister of Infrastructure and the Environment, Kingdom of the Netherlands
  • Address by H.E. Hon. Amadou Mansour Faye, President of AMCOW /Minister of Hydraulics and Sanitation, Senegal
  • Address by LTG Thomas Bostick, Commanding General, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • Address by Dr. Shamshad Akhtar, Executive Secretary, UNESCAP

9:30 Approval of new HELP members

9:40 Photo Session

9:50 Introduction of Policy Development on Disaster Risk Reduction in Korea

10:10 HELP’s Contribution in the 7th World Water Forum
Launching of the Special Issue of Water Policy Journal on “Water and Disasters” at High-level Panel on Water and Disasters

  • Introduction by Mr. Steven Stockton, Director of Civil Works, US Army Corps of Engineers
  • Facilitated by Dr. Jerry Delli Priscoli, Policy Advisor, US Army Corps of Engineers

11:00 Proposal for Delta Coalition

11:30 HELP’s Action towards Regular Dialogue on Water and Disasters
Update on the progress of action

12:30 Lunch (hosted by Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement)

14:00 Introduction of Policy Development on Disaster Risk Reduction in Korea

14:30 HELP’s Flagship Actions
Proposals from members, the Netherlands and others

15:00 Follow-up to the UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction

16:00 Coffee Break

16:20 HELP’s Actions for Post-2015 Development Goals (SDGs) and upcoming events

17:20 Wrap-up

17:30 Closing of HELP meeting